This is a typical slave’s credo.  Many Masters require their slaves to live by these codes of conduct.  There will be general changes from Master to Master but most slaves should be prepared to live by these rules.  Once a potential slave is willing to abide by these rules at that point in time he will be more ready to actually commit to a potential Master.


A slave’s Credo


1.      i will surrender myself completely to my Master and to His love for me, for i am a slave.

2.      my very thoughts will be only to love and serve my Master and to make Him proud of me, for i am a slave.

3.      i will always respect my Master, for i am a slave.

4.      i will always serve and obey my Master’s commands fully, for i am a slave.

5.      i will always serve and obey my Master’s commands immediately, for i am a slave.

6.      i will always serve and obey my Master’s commands silently, except for “Yes Sir”, for i am a slave.

7.      i will always address my Master as “Sir” or “Master” or by whatever title He chooses to specify, for i am a slave.

8.      i will never question the reasons behind my Master’s commands, for they are none of my concern, for i am a slave.

9.      i will speak only when my Master gives me permission to speak, and any question i may have regarding His commands, or the specifications of my assigned duties are to be in private and never in front of other people, for i am a slave.

10.  i will always be nude in the presence of my Master unless told otherwise, for i am a slave.

11.  i will always wear my Master’s collar, unless i am told otherwise, for i am a slave.

12.  i will wear the clothing that my Master permits me to wear, or go naked if He so requires, for i am a slave.

13.  if i am to be permitted to work, i shall work only for my Master, and surrender to Him all proceeds from my labors, for i am a slave.

14.  i will always stand in the presence of my Master, when He allows me to, with my head bowed and my hands behind me, but not resting on my ass, for i am a slave.

15.  i will kneel in the presence of my Master, when he allows me to, with my head bowed and my hands behind me, but not resting on my ass, for i am a slave.

16.  i will sit only at my Master’s feet, unless he tells me otherwise, for i am a slave.

17.  i will at no time presume to sit on a piece of furniture without my Master’s express permission, for i am a slave.

18.  i will always keep my body clean and ready for my Master’s use and pleasure, for i am a slave.

19.  i will always keep my body in a proper, healthy condition, for my Master’s use and pleasure, for i am a slave.

20.  my bodily functions are to be completely controlled by my Master; even the times when i may be allowed to go to the bathroom are to be specified by Him, for i am a slave.

21.  i will always be available for my Master’s use and pleasure, or for the use and pleasure of whomever He shall command me to serve, for i am a slave.

22.  i will never smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs, for i am a slave.

23.  i will only eat those foods provided by my Master, when and where He specifies that i may eat them, for i am a slave.

24.  i will never get into my Master’s bed unless i have asked permission and that permission has been granted, for i am a slave.

25.  i will keep my body free of hair in my crotch, ass, armpits, and anywhere else specified by my Master, for i am a slave.

26.  i will accept whatever punishments my Master may decree without complaint or protest, for i am a slave.

27.  i will never harbor feelings of anger or resentment towards my Master, and if such feelings should involuntarily cross my consciousness, i shall immediately confess these feelings to Him and submit to whatever punishment He deems appropriate, for i am a slave.

28.  i will do my best to never be an encumbrance to my Master or make Him uncomfortable by my presence, for i am a slave.

29.  i will submit willingly to whatever additional rules my Master may wish to impose, either now or at a later date, for i am a slave.

30.  Because my body is now my Master’s property, it is no longer my right to protest any use He chooses to make of it.  Rather, it is an honor if He chooses to touch me at all, for i am a slave.