
Sadist Playground


A Couple of Things About This Dungeon Site:

1.  Don't contact Me thinking to set up some kind of cyber exchange to get off - especially not one where I tell you all about the last boy who was brave enough to meet Me face to face.  Very little online bores Me as much as cyber sex.

2.  I am looking for REAL 24/7 slaves and subs to come and play with Me on occasion.  I'm looking primarily for masochists.


What I'm looking for in long term submissives.



A note about the application


Dungeon Rules

Tips for Submissives, Leather History and Culture

Sir's Rules for Collared Slaves




A short Bio of Sir Brad

As I am not exactly fond of talking about Myself this will be relatively short but I feel you should get some sense of who's site you're visiting.

I am an “Old Guard” Dominant of 20+ years experience. I was mentored by Sirncontrl of the Dungeon on the Bay and by Sir Rance of Appleton. As an Old Guard style Dom you can expect both very traditional rules but also a relaxed atmosphere as long as you behave.


I’m the Owner and Master Craftsman of Dungeon and as part of that I am a local BDSM lecturer and educator. I have done demonstrations and lectures for a variety of groups including The Argonauts of Wisconsin and Mr. Wisconsin Leather contest.


Sadist and Bondage Dom skilled in many forms of torture, bondage, and a variety of kinks. A more comprehensive list of My skills and kinks is available AFTER I’ve gotten your application.